Cheap and Easy Way to Make Unicorn Cake

Birthdays are celebrated every year, and as it is a tradition, the ceremony is usually accompanied by a delicious soft cake. However, finding the perfect sweet treat can sometimes be a real headache for many people. That's why, to help you have an original and unique birthday party, we are now offering you a quick recipe to make a beautiful unicorn cake for your celebrations. 🎂

🦄 Do you want to please your daughter or a child with a passion for unicorns? 🦄 Simply take advantage of her birthday to offer her the bun of her dreams. If your princess loves other cartoons such as the Paw Patrol's cartoon or Elsa (Frozen) , you can use a figurine from each cartoon to decorate the dessert during the finishing touches.

If you want to go ahead and cook your first unicorn all by yourself, don't waste any more time. On this page we offer you an easy, step-by-step recipe for making a 100% successful easy unicorn cake.

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Making a successful unicorn cake: where to start ?

How To Start Unicorn Cake

Like a house, baking a unicorn cake for your daughter's birthday deserves a little study beforehand. Yes, you need to analyze certain details and make a few choices in order to make the right move. Indeed, you must be methodical and avoid any confusion.

To do this, it is important to think about the base of the cake, to choose the type of unicorn you want to make. For example, the base can be a semolina cake, an upside down cake, an apple cake, a chocolate cake, or even a design cake. The goal is to choose the cake you like, or at least the one you think is quick to make.

For our preparation, we have opted for a unicorn cake based on a "molly cake". The reason ? This unicorn cake is easy to make, it is soft, it can be kept for several days… Moreover, you also have the possibility to lay it out on the floor and to use a creamy fruit filling to give it the flavour you want.

NB: ⏳ for this type of unicorn, the preparation time is 2 hours and 30 minutes, cooking time is 1 hour and a quarter, giving a total of 3 hours and 45 minutes. ⏳

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What materials should be used to prepare the unicorn cake ?

Kitchen Stuff For Unicorn Cake

For the complete equipment of this unicorn recipe, you will need the following cooking tools

✔️ A baking ring: which will be used to bake our "molly cake" while giving a spherical shape to the preparation.

✔️From a hand blender: it will allow us to shake the decoration preparation to make it homogeneous and smoother.

✔️With a Maryse : you can adapt it with a simple spoon or a spatula. It will mainly be used to scrape the bottom of the containers that we will use to knead.

✔️With A food thermometer: this tool is more or less indispensable. However, in order to have the rainbow unicorn cake we want for our daughter's or child's birthday, we will use it to measure the preparation temperature accurately. If you don't have such a tool, it is not necessarily necessary to buy it.

✔️From a pastry robot: you've probably already heard of it. This electric robot will allow us to efficiently knead our ingredients.

✔️With an electric whisk: can be used as an alternative to the pastry robot, this kitchen tool will allow us to stir certain mixes of decorations.

✔️One 10 mm plain bushing, one fluted bushing, one small oven bushing, and also 8 bushing pockets: these tips will only be used to decorate our unicorn. So you can do without some or buy more. It all depends on your talent as a designer.

✔️Finally, we will need a baking tray for the preparations that will need to be heated.

NB: the role of each tool above has been given to allow you to easily adapt them to the tools you have. As for the preparation ingredients, they will be given to you at the beginning of each step.

The stages of making the horn cake in chronological order

Making a successful unicorn cake requires a certain methodology. That's why we have divided our preparation into 4 main steps in order to obtain the desired birthday cake.

  • First, we will make our basic cake: the "molly cake". Then we will prepare the covering icing.
  • Then we will make the ears, eyes and horn of the unicorn.
  • Then it will be the turn to assemble each part of our unicorn cake.
  • We will finish our preparation with the decoration and arrangement of the edible figurines.

Make your own unicorn cake

Cake Unicorn Rainbow

Here you are, in this part composed of 4 sub-parts, we will explain in detail each step of the preparation of our cake.

01 - Preparing the base unicorn cake and overlay icing

Preparing the "molly cake"

The "molly cake" is a cake that is both super soft and has the particularity of swelling well in the oven. Indeed, this dessert will be used as the base of our unicorn cake.

➡️ Cake base ingredient

NB: the preparation ingredients can be adapted according to the size of the cake you wish to obtain. However, for a medium size cake optimised for a family birthday or Easter, we recommend using the same ingredients below :

5 eggs, 220 g caster sugar, 410 g flour, 1 pinch of salt, 1.5 sachets of yeast, 41 cl single cream and 2 teaspoons of vanilla powder.

➡️ Preparation time

Preparation time: 20 minutes – average cooking time 1 hour and 15 minutes – total preparation time: 1 hour and 35 minutes.

➡️ Preparation process for our "molly cake"

In general, "molly cake" is a quick and easy recipe to make. Before you start, turn on the oven to reach 160oC.

Mix the eggs and sugar and whisk the solution until the volume doubles or triples. Remember, the goal is to make a soft and light unicorn cake.

In a second bowl, make a mixture of salt, flour and baking powder. You can also use the spices you want according to your taste.

Once the first two mixes have been made, you must pour the second preparation (flour + salt + yeast) into the first (sugar + eggs), and try to obtain a homogeneous and light mixture.

After this preparation, whip the liquid cream for 10 minutes at medium speed. The aim here is to make the mixture creamy. Then gradually mix the cream with the flour (previous mixture) to obtain a very light and even mixture.

Then use a pastry ring to shape the mixture before putting it in the oven at 160oC for 1 hour and 15 minutes. However, you can also use the baking tray if it allows you to adjust the temperature.

➡️ Tips

To save time, you can bake the "molly cake" two or three days in advance. To store it, simply wrap it tightly in cling film and keep it in the refrigerator.

NB: for the next step in the preparation of our unicorn cake, the molly cake will be cut into four quarters, which will allow us to make a rainbow cake on top of each other. 🌈

The icing will allow us to cover our molly cake to make our decoration. For this preparation, we will use the Swiss meringue cream. However, you can use any icing you wish.

➡️ Ingredients

5 egg whites, 225 g butter, 200 g sugar.

➡️ Preparation process

Mix the egg whites in a bowl and whisk the solution until stiff. This may take 8 minutes and should be done at medium temperature. For best results, you can use a water bath.

After this step, remove the mixture from the heat and continue whisking until it cools well. The butter must be at the same temperature as the mixture to form a smooth cream. Otherwise, you will have a not very nice cream with a few lumps.

Note: the smoother the cream obtained, the more our unicorn cake will be pleasant to see and easy to decorate.

02 - Unicorn ear, horn and eye confections

Once the principle has been grasped, the design of the horn and ears is rather easy to achieve. Instead, follow the steps below.

Making the horn 🦄

A skewer pick (wooden or metal), golden food powder, white sugar paste.

➡️ Manufacturing procedure

For the horn, start by rolling up the sugar dough to make a long sausage. You need the thinner ends, as they will form the top of the horn.

Then use the skewer to wrap the sausage all around to form the perfect horn. It's best to start with the thicker side first, leaving a small bare end for planting the horn into the cake.

Then let the preparation dry before painting it thoroughly with golden food powder.

Ear designs 👂

White sugar dough, a heart-shaped cookie cutter, and edible golden powder.

➡️ Manufacturing procedure

Start by spreading the sugar dough until it reaches a thin thickness of about 2 mm. Then cut the dough with the cookie cutter to obtain two hearts. Fold the two hearts slightly upwards, then use the edible golden powder to paint the inside.

Note: You can also prepare the ears in advance to avoid wasting time on your Unicorn Birthday .

Unicorn Cake Eyes 👀

The making of the eyes is quite simple. This preparation takes less than 10 minutes.

➡️ Ingredient

Black sugar dough.

➡️ Design procedure

Cut the sugar dough into the shape of eyes which will then be glued to one side of the cake.

Note: It is best to make this preparation on the "D" day of the ceremony. Otherwise, the dough may harden and break during assembly.

03 - Assembling the parts of the unicorn cake

Once the preparation of the components is completed, it is time to move on to the overall assembly of the cake. It is best to do this step on the day of the event. This will prevent any premature destruction of the preparation.

Start by taking our "molly cake" out of the fridge and placing it on a tray. If you wish to garnish the cake with fruit cream, it is time to place the layers of cream between the slices of the cake.

Now use the Maryse to cover the cake with the previously prepared icing. Take the time to spread the meringue all over the cake until it turns completely white. Then place the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Now take the cake out of the fridge and smooth out its contours to make it more attractive. "Note that this step is not mandatory. Once the smoothing is finished, put the preparation back in the fridge for another half hour.

04 - Horn cake decoration

Once the cake has cooled and the frosting has set, it's time to start the final decoration.

NB: You can decorate the unicorn cake as you wish according to your preferences and also according to the event to be celebrated. Indeed, there are no rules for decoration.

In our case, we will position the horn above the cake and then embellish it with jars of fresh cream. Choose the colourings that look most appetizing to you. You can also use small white cheeses, chocolate chips… The aim here is simply to make your "cake" look delicious enough.

Once the horn is placed, it's the turn of the ears. Push each of them on one side of the cake to perfect your unicorn. Place the eyes, and any other figurines you wish. Also, use fresh sherbet, yogurt or ice cream to form the "crest" of the unicorn.

Also think about adding white chocolate ganache to make the birthday happy. You can also divide the cream into 6 bowls, then vary the colouring of each bowl to create a unique design. Don't forget to use the fluted tip and other tips to shape your cream bowls.

You can also add a few filled cookies, almonds, or other delicacies to enhance the visual appeal of your unicorn cake. In short, your decorating kit is essentially up to you.

A few tips to make your unicorn cake a success from the very first try

Unicorn Birthday Cake

It's obvious that making a unicorn cake on the first try can sometimes be difficult. However, with the following tips, you will certainly succeed.

  • Don't jump right in after reading this quick recipe. It's important to understand each principle before you start.
  • Also, if you have the opportunity, you can try to replicate the preparation before the ceremony. This allows you to test your performance before the "d" day.
  • Making a successful unicorn cake requires a certain amount of concentration. You should not improvise and try to change the right material every time. Remember to prepare yourself by doing the difficult steps a few days in advance.
  • If you have no experience with cakes, it is important to take the same quantities of ingredients as we do. Adding or removing certain elements can influence the final result.
  • Finally, taste each preparation to make sure that it corresponds to your desires before continuing.

We have here a video from Cloé that explains it very well.

Conclusion on how to make a unicorn cake for a happy evenT

Congratulations, you have just made a sugar paste unicorn cake with us: "a real professional Rainbow Cake". Although some ingredients such as macaroons, apricots, pistachios or toppings have not been used, there is nothing to stop you from adjusting them to your preparation.

In the end, making a unicorn head cake is not complicated when you pay attention to the different steps detailed on this page. This type of preparation will certainly do your children, and especially your daughters who are passionate about the world of unicorns, a lot of good.

Moreover, you can also use such a delicacy for Easter, Christmas and also for any joyous occasion that requires a cake.

You can also use unicorn silicone moulds for a perfect decoration

Chocolate biscuit or unicorn cake decoration? You can help yourself to the unicorn silicone mold collection.

Cake Mould Unicorn

Or little elephant biscuits with your unicorn

It is always important to have small chocolate elephant biscuits to satisfy all your guests. Bake them quickly and easily with these Elephant Moulds and enjoy free shipping !

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