Funny Gary Oaks Im Going to Send Out Magicarp

Viridian seemed to be as lively as Pallet Town was - and it was a bad idea to stay here for too long as it was probably bustling with Rocket members. Aaron looked back at the run down city before pressing on to route 2...

"Geez that place was eerie!" Flannery finally said,

"No kiddin'..." said Gary, "It's changed loads since I was Gym leader here anyway..."

Aaron looked at the road ahead, and checked the Town map he aquired from the Pallet Town lab, "Guys, It's about 15 minutes 'till we get to the Forest. We could press on through the night or we could keep going untill dark and then rest for the night. Your choice..."

"Eep!" Flannery suddenly blurted out, "Nonono! I can't stand dark, crawly forests!" she continued to get into a panic over it as Aaron turned his attention to Gary,

"What about you?" He said,

"I think it would be best to wait 'till morning before we go through the Forest," he said, "aswell as us resting, it would mean that our pokemon won't be as scared as her over there..." he motioned to Flannery, still mumbling, "after all, they're still young."

"Hm... yea that's a good idea! C'mon Flannery, we'll keep going, but we enter the Forest at dawn, k?" Flannery nodded, feeling slightly embarassed...

Not long after, nightfall was fast approaching, with the sky turning a deep grey shade. Better set up camp soon,

"I think we should find a suitable place to rest for the night soon. Safe from any wild creatures, aswell as Team Rocket, since it's past curfew..." Aaron told the others.

"Finally!" Flannery said while slumping down onto a nearby boulder, "I'm sooooo tired... *yaawwwn*..."

"Me too" said Gary, "I'll go see if I can find some wood to burn."

"Okay," Aaron said, "Flannery, come with me to find a good area to stop for the night."

"Okay!" she said happily.


The three trainers sat on their sleeping bags finishing the rest of their coffee Aaron made. After taking the last gulp, he lay flat on his back and sighed,

"Gary, that was delicious. Thanks a ton!"

"Oh my god it was sooo good!" Flannery also complimented, "I didn't know you were a good cook!"

"Well when your constantly on the road you gotta know how to take care of yourself, heh..." he said...

"Guys," Aaron said, "I'm afraid we all gotta share the same small tent tonight, hope you don't mind..."

"No not at all." Flannery said. Aaron was slighlty surprised - she made more fuss about the Forest than sharing a tent...

"Don't worry about it," Gary replied, "I'm too tired to care anyway." He laughed.

"Wait guys, sshhhh!" Aaron suddenly said. He was sure he could hear mumbling some way off, "I hear someone, I'll go check who it is..." Hopefully it was some travellers and not any Rockets...

Aaron peered through the branches of a thick tree, waiting for the voices to pass. When they did, it was revealed they were coming froma man and a woman - both in black uniforms, and torches...

"S**t!" Aaron quietly cursed. They were Rockets, out on patroll. However, they were only grunts...

Aaron ran back to the campsite, "There's two Team Rocket grunts out there!" he said quietly, "Gary, can you help Inferno and I take them out before they find us here?"


"Flannery, you stay here..." Aaron said with a nod before walking back to the Rocket's with Gary.

The grunts were taken by surprise by Aaron and Gary's swift appearances, "Well well, two rookies out before curfew?" the man said. He pulled out a pokeball, "There's gonna be trouble..."

"Rookie? Go, Elekid!" Gary called out while releasing the small electric pokemon from it's ball. The Elekid scoweled at the Rocket man and let loose a few sparks.

"Zubat," said the man, "Get out here!"

Aaron pulled out his new pokedex, "Hm..."


Jolly nature

"Elekid! Try a thundershock!" Gary immidiately called out. The Elekid let loose a spark of energy which struck the Zubat dead on. Gary looked like he had things under control...

"Now for you..." Aaron said to the female. She simply laughed before calling out a Ratatta:



"That dosen't look like a threat," Aaron said confidently, "Inferno, out you come!"

"Chim! Chim!" Inferno said bouncing up and down. He quickly caught sight of the Rockets and the opposing Ratatta and changed his stance to a fighting one...

"Quick attack!" commanded the woman. Rattata darted straight to Inferno and hit him square in the chest. Inferno fell back but quickly got up and gestured at Rattata to bring it on. "Inferno, ember now!" Aaron said firmly. Inferno jumped into the air nearer the rat and began spitting hot embers right at it. The Rattata sqealed from the attack and stumbled to the side. "C'mon, you expect me to obey you when you're armed with a small rat? Ha!" Aaron said in a comical tone. The woman grew annoyed and pointed to Inferno, "Hyper Fang!" she yelled. The Rattata quickly ran at Inferno and bared it's fangs threateningly...

"Now jump!" The Chimchar lept off the ground and avoided the attack of Rattata, "Now turn and use Fury swipes!" Inferno did as commanded and immediately ran into Rattata scratching away like crazy.

The foe's Rattata slowly swayed, before falling to the floor beaten. "Awsome Inferno! You're getting much better!"

"Char!" the little monkey exclaimed while giving a thumbs-up.

"Grr! Return!" sneered the Rocket woman while retreiving her Rattata. Aaron glanced over to Gary's battle...

"Now," said Gary, "finish this with another Thundershock!" Elekid fired another bolt of energy, sending the Zubat slamming to the ground. The Rocket man also retreived his pokemon and looked at his assosciate. The both fled the scene.

"Return Inferno." Aaron place the ball back onto his belt, "Thank's Gary! That was awsome huh?"

"Yea I suppose nothin' beats a good battle," he replied, "you and your Chimchar were looking pretty good too!"


"So did'ya get 'em?" Flannery asked inquisitively.

"Heh, they were practically crying when they ran away!" Aaron said amused, "Me n' Gary kicked there asses!"

"It's late now guys," Gary said looking into the night sky, "We should get some sleep now." Aaron and Flannery both nodded in agreement.

The three trainers all collected their things and huddled into the small tent set out. This was the first night of their quest...


Aaron awoke the next moring... and got quite startled as he cam eto, "Jeez..." he said - Flannery had almost squished him right into the side of the tent, "What is it with girls and sleeping?" he said to himself.

He emerged out of the tent to find Gary already there. He was busy putting things away and getting ready to move on, "Good morning!" he said in a good mood, "Sleep well?"

"Yes and no..." Aaron replied glancing back at Flannery, "should I wake her up?"

"I suppose," Gary said, "The sooner we get to Pewter the better..."


"Wow this forest is big..." Aaron said, gazing at the trees,

"It's sooo beautiful in the morning!" Flannery said with a gasp.

The three trainers began to tread through the forest. Gary had been through before so he knew roughly where to go. After about 10 minutes, a zig-zagged yellow tail popped up from the grass nearby, and out jumped a Pikachu.

"Hey look!" Aaron said.

Naughty nature

"This one looks cool!" He said, "Inferno, do the job!" Aaron said as he tossed the ball, releasing Inferno,

"Start with a Scratch attack!" Inferno jumped over to the electric mouse and scratched it right int the side. The Pikachu squealed, before retalliating with a Thundershock scoring a direct hit on the Chimchar. "Don't worry Inferno, just use Ember!" The pokemon did as ordered and spewed hot flames onto the Pikachu. It fell back into the dirt and began to struggle slightly...

"Leer!" Aaron said, before Inferno shot Pikachu a look, lowering it's defense. The mouse pokemon jumped up and rammed Inferno with a quick attack, sending him a few feet backwards, "Stay strong Inferno! Finish this with fury swipes!"

The Pikachu watched as the Chimchar darted to it's position and frantically swiped away at it. Inferno jumped back and landed as Pikachu fell. Aaron tossed one of the pokeballs he had and sealed the pokemon. Once... twice... thrice... bingo!

"Awsome Inferno! Now return!" Aaron proudly said. He picked up the new Pikachu and paused, before turning to flannery,

"Here, you have it."

She was taken aback, "Wha? Really?"

"Yeh, you don't have any pokemon right now so it makes sense does it not? Also, consider it as a sort of thanks for coming along with Gary and I," Aaron said with a smile,

"Awww thank you!" Flannery said before giving Aaron a friendly hug. She took the ball and placed it in her bag.


"...Can you hear water?" Gary asked,

"Yeah I can!" said Aaron, "funny, I don't remember hearing about a lake in Viridian Forest, did you?"

"No me neither..." said Gary, "I think it's coming from he-" Gary croutched down to hear the noise, but suddenly fell

"Gary! Woa!" Aaron called out, running to the spot and looking down. Through the hedges and tree trunks, there was a hill that Gary must've slid down, "Wow Flannery! Come n' see this!" Aaron said before sliding down.

He tumbled slightly at the bottom before picking himself up. There was Gary looking fine and gesturing towards something. Aaron looked and saw two Gym leaders - Misty of Cerulean, and Jasmine from Johto - along with two other male trainers standing by a crystal-clear lake. As Flanney slid down the hill, Aaron walked over to the others, "Hey guys, didn't I see you in Pallet Town?"

"Heh," Gary mumbled, "It looks like this has turned into a gathering place for all the young Gym leaders... aswell as those 'chosen ones'..."


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